Green Buffet – Храм Табынской иконы Божией Матери

Green Buffet

In spring 2017, our shop, the “Green Buffet,” at 25, Vasnetsova Street, near the Cathedral of the Great Martyr George, opened its doors to the community. 

The shop has become popular among customers due to the high quality of its natural goods. The monastery’s bakery produces and supplies hot, non-yeasted bread: wheat, rye, wheat and rye, malt rye, Borodino bread (a dark brown sourdough rye bread of Russian origin) grain, fruit, wholegrain, bran, and Solovetskiy bread (prepared according to the Solovetskiy Monastery recipe). The bread is very tasty and extremely good for your health. 

Our monastery pastry is also marvelous with a variety of options: vegetable, sweet, fish, cottage cheese, poppy, and cinnamon fillings. We bake different kinds of cookies, carrots, and pumpkin pies. 

We also have a wide range of farm and monastery dairy products: 

– cow and goat milk, baked milk

– cheeses: rural, halloumi (for frying), Imiritian, suluguni, caciotta, ricotta, goat cheese

– fermented milk products: matsoni, baked yogurt, yogurts, whey

Many people come to buy handmade vareniki and pelmeni (with fish, calamari, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, lentil, beans, pumpkin, radish, and cottage cheese fillings), khinkali, golubtsi (stuffed cabbage rolls), pancakes, chebureki (turnovers) and fish cutlets; home-made noodles (lenten, egg noodles, lagman, noodles with spirulina or cuttlefish ink), and fresh eggs.  

Skillful sisters have prepared the most delicious pickles, sauerkraut, gherkins, tomatoes, apples, and mushrooms (without vinegar). 

The monastery’s tea became a popular brand (with thyme, lime, cornflower, oregano, clover, calendula, mint, basil, lemon balm, lemon peel, chamomile, wild strawberry, and lavender). 

Our customers have appreciated the monastery’s urbech (nut butter) made of different nuts and seeds: flax, sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower. 

Those who love desserts will find a lot of handmade sweets such as marshmallows, fruit jellies, cookies, nut brittles, chocolate, chak-chak and so on.   

We are constantly expanding the range of products. Moreover, we also have supply contracts with many suppliers all over Russia and some foreign countries. Our major criterion is natural products.  The following natural goods have proven to be reliable: 

– Greek olive oil and other rare kinds of oil (black cumin, corn, sea-buckthorn, hemp, flax, apricot, grape, sesame, walnut, cedar, milk thistle and others) 

– rare cereals

– natural honey (flower, buckwheat, melilot, and white honey)

– unusual jams, marmalades and other things.

Buying healthy and blessed food prepared at the monastery with prayer, devotion, and love may improve your health. In addition, when you acquire goods at our shop, you help our monastery and the sisters will pray for you.   

By the way, we accept soul-papers and hand them over to the monastery as some people have no opportunity to come to the monastery located on the outskirts of the city, in the Tractor Trailer Settlement.   Those customers who are interested in the topic of spiritual life may buy the books of Archpriest Sergiy Baranov, the monastery’s spiritual guide, right here at our shop.  

The “Green Buffet” is open from 9am to 7pm, with a short lunch break from 1.30pm. to 2pm. 

Phone number: 8 905 8460982