What should I do if I am afraid of taking the Eucharist because of covid? – Храм Табынской иконы Божией Матери

What should I do if I am afraid of taking the Eucharist because of covid?

– I have a fear because of covid, as many people die. The Patriarchy ordered to give the Eucharist from single-use spoons or to wipe the spoon with alcohol after each person. In fact, the situation at different churches is different. At some churches, people do not wear masks at all and take the Eucharist from one spoon. My relative and over 10 friends died from covid. I go to church very seldom now because of my fear and I am afraid of taking the Eucharist. What should I do?  

– If you live in a big city, I think, you may find a parish where they give the Eucharist taking all of those  precautions. On the other hand, you may ask a priest. If he is a “sober-minded” priest, he will respond to your appeal. 

Archpriest Sergiy Baranov