What should I do if a sin tortures my soul? – Храм Табынской иконы Божией Матери

What should I do if a sin tortures my soul?

– A sin tortures my soul. Once I took contraceptive pills, which may have an abortive effect. I do not know how to live correctly, how to pray for the baby I might have killed. What if he or she is suffering in hell now because of me? I fall into despair and think there is no salvation for me, who is so sinful. What should I do?   

– Despair is the gravest sin as it stops everything. People stop fighting in their spiritual lives. When they do this, they will commit many more different sins. This is why the Lord gave us such miracles as confession and repentance. We can always start over again.  

Archpriest Sergiy Baranov