Is it possible to buy an icon painted by you? – Храм Табынской иконы Божией Матери

Is it possible to buy an icon painted by you?

– All my life I lived in sin. I have realized this and try to improve, but I have been sick for many years and have problems with walking. I am a disabled person of group I. It is unlikely I will be able to come to your monastery for a service and take a blessing from you as I live far away in the suburbs of Moscow. I have a big favor to ask. I have a granddaughter Sophia (she will turn 2 soon), and I would like to buy an icon of Saints Faith, Hope, Charity and their mother Sophia painted by you. I hope to have your blessing this way and teach my granddaughter our faith, so the Lord forgives me, who is unwise…

– I will not promise. It is easy to promise, but hard to accomplish. An icon requires time and work. I am afraid of making promises. God willing… 

Archpriest Sergiy Baranov