I can’t overcome my shame in order to confess. What should I do? – Храм Табынской иконы Божией Матери

I can’t overcome my shame in order to confess. What should I do?

– I live by myself. I am not old yet. I suffer from the sin of masturbation. I confessed and took the Eucharist on Pascha last time at a monastery in some other town. I am a choir-master and people frown because they see that I haven’t received the Eucharist for a long time. Recently, I fought back my shame and went to a confession to a priest who knows me, but he denied me the Eucharist. I sinned again. And I can’t go to him with this sin again. Shame is beyond me. But the main thing is I know for sure I will fall again. What should I do?  

– Send me your phone number and I will confess you by phone, when you are ready to do this. 

Archpriest Sergiy